AbOuT         PrOjEcTs        2D       3D        AniMaTiOn        ShOp            

Nature Flows

Watercolor on Paper
42cm x 59.4cm

Nature Flows

An apple seed grows to become an apple tree, a pear seed grows to become the pear tree.
They do not try to force themselves to become something they are not meant to be.

But humans do.
We genetically modified different crops to suit our taste buds, hybrid different breeds to create that perfect “pink lady apple”.

It is not just the plants.
The gentrified cities, shopping malls, chain McDonald’s and Starbucks… together they form a web of illusions, secluded in “perfect little controlled environments”, humans think we are gods.

We are the Truman in a Truman show that we have constructed for ourselves.

As human grew exponentially on technological advancement, we have lost our human instincts, intuition, empathy, and spiritual connection with each other.

Wu Wei “无为” is a state of mind that is well known in the eastern Daoism philosophy.
When translated directly, it means “not-doing”, “non-action”, or “in-action”.

It does not mean literally doing nothing and let life pass away, but the art of not-forcing, respecting the natural growth of things itself.

After a seed has been planted, it needs time to absorb nutrients from the earth, water, light, and work together with millions of micro-organisms;  with time, it will slowly sprout, grow, and bloom. Even if it does not bloom, it is nature’s way, the seed will contribute to the ecosystem in a bigger scale, and foster the growth of other organisms, blooming in its own way that is hidden to the human eye.

Do Nothing, Achieve Everything.









